Saturday, April 25, 2009

It's a wonderful day!

Today was a good day. My parents are down here from North Dakota and we just goofed off all day. We went to the mall, sat around and talked, had a great supper and watched the Phipps Gospel sing! For you that don't know, that is Southern Gospel. My parents LOVE the southern Gospel music. They go to the conventions down in Nashville when they can. Now I like the gospel music but I prefer a little more contemporary! I did enjoy sitting and watching it though and learning a little more about it, and my mom was very glad to educate us on who the different groups were. It was a beautiful day here today... around 80 today and tomorrow. Tomorrow we are going to go to Church, Tyler will be doing a skit during the service so my parents will get to see him in action! He does a great job, it is definately his personality! Well I will write more...gotta go get to bed!!

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