Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wow, what a week!

This has been some week... Last Friday night Ken was sick so I took him to the emergency room. We went to the new hospital and it was pretty nice. We were able to get right in and they take you to your own little room (no more curtains between you and the next bed) You have your own TV and even your own toilet in the corner that you can pull the curtain for privacy. High Tech here in Lafayette!! He has an upper respiratory viral infection. They have nothing to give for that, it just has to run its course on its own. So lots of Nyquil, cold medicine, frozen cokes for his throat and sleep!! He's doing a little better at least his throat feels better. He still has a cough that keeps him(and me) up most of the night. So the weekend was spent at home most of the time for me and the whole time for him. Monday he stayed home from work also. I just hope no one else gets it as bad as he had it. Mikaela is starting to feel sick so hopefully it's just a cold that she can handle...

Tyler is now pretty much done with his school... I did his transcript the other night so he is eagerly awaiting college this fall. There are a few last minute things he still has to wrap up... but I have 3 kids down and 1 more to go!! Hallelujah!!! Chelsey is just beginning High School so a lot more keeping records and making sure all the required classes for a diploma is taken. She already has the electives chosen as far as right now. She probably will change her mind as the years go by... we will see! She has been working on her first High school class so far this summer and that is Health. She loves Science and anything to do with Science, so she is loving it. Her first 8 years she has done very well... some years better than others :) I am very proud of all my kids when it came to homeschooling. Yes some years it was harder and some days really hard but overall looking back.. they did good. We all have learned a lot individually as well as a family. Homeschooling is one of the best things that we have chosen for our children.

This week I found out that some friends of ours from a few years back lost everything they had in a garage/house fire on Monday of this week. I haven't seen them for a while or talked to them lately but I hear they are doing well. Rodney has been working with the insurance companies and Karen left for a Mission Trip that she had organized at her Church. Not even a fire (purely Satan) will keep her from telling others about Jesus...amazing! She will be gone until June 11th. I know that the family will really appreciate all the prayers...please be thinking about them as they are going through a really tough time.

Hope all of you are having a fantastic week so far.....

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