Saturday, April 25, 2009

It's a wonderful day!

Today was a good day. My parents are down here from North Dakota and we just goofed off all day. We went to the mall, sat around and talked, had a great supper and watched the Phipps Gospel sing! For you that don't know, that is Southern Gospel. My parents LOVE the southern Gospel music. They go to the conventions down in Nashville when they can. Now I like the gospel music but I prefer a little more contemporary! I did enjoy sitting and watching it though and learning a little more about it, and my mom was very glad to educate us on who the different groups were. It was a beautiful day here today... around 80 today and tomorrow. Tomorrow we are going to go to Church, Tyler will be doing a skit during the service so my parents will get to see him in action! He does a great job, it is definately his personality! Well I will write more...gotta go get to bed!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Today was a pretty quick day, it started out with me going to a meeting at work. I had 1/2 a donut (not my favorite thing) but I was hungry and I had just taken my pills. I also had my coffee, so I could counteract the sweetness. I stopped at Walmart on the way home to pick up a few cleaning supplies. When I got home, I spring cleaned and cleaned and cleaned! I am exhausted but hey, my windows are shiny and clean!! Yeah! The kids helped to, so it's almost done, just a few more things to do. It always feels so much better when you can have a clean house, open the windows and enjoy the fresh smell after being cooped up all winter. Awesome!!

I've been reading the book "Lies women believe and the truth that sets them free" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I'm only in chapter 5 but there are so many things that you wouldn't believe that women/girls believe in todays culture. Things that I have even heard and believed growing up. It is unbelievable that when you sit down and read the lies and than read God's Word and how they are so different. You can't help but ask yourself "Duh..Why haven't I seen this before?" The way the author takes you back to the garden of Eden and the very first deception, is incredible. I highly recommend this book to all of you! She tells you that she has come to the conclusion about the root of most of our struggles is that "You and I have been lied to. We have been deceived"

I've seen this in my own life and the lives of the ones I love too many times. Now that I realize some of the lies, I just want to haul off and hit Satan right in the nose and yell "Leave us alone". But then I realize, I don't have to do that, because Jesus will have the last word and He will make Satan pay for all the Lies and Deception he has done. So I just need to keep reminding myself the Scripture verses that counter the lies and place everything at the feet of Jesus. Once I leave everything up to Him, and place my Life in His hands and do His Will.... I will be Okay!!

Hope all of you have a fantastic day and I will talk at you later!!

John 8:31-32,36 "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free...If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Well I hope everyone had a wonderful Resurrection Day! My day was relaxing and I had time to reflect on how awesome God is and was trying to decide if I would give up my only child for a death that cruel, I came to the conclusion that I just couldn't. That's what makes God so special to me and makes me really understand just how hard it was to turn His head when Jesus said It is finished.

Well I've been doing a lot better on my medicine. I go back to see my rheumatologist in a couple weeks. He's going to see if I am doing well on the prednisone and if I am, he's going to be giving me a different prescription for the long run of the arthritis. I'm curious to see what he will say about my swelling and I have a few questions for him as well that I can't wait to hear the answer. I still have some soreness and stiffness in my fingers, but my feet & ankles are doing better. I have some good days and some sore days, which he said will be common.

Still not done with my quilt, I've laid it aside for quite a while now and I keep thinking to myself, "Just one square a day and you can get it done" but somehow my hands don't want to follow my head. I just can't get myself to pick it up right now for some odd reason, I don't know if it just really frustrated me to take on such a big quilt to begin with. At least with baby quilts you can see progress much quicker. Oh well, that can be added to the prayer list for me to get done!

Well, I'm going to go now and go to bed... Have to work tomorrow, it will be one of my longer days! Hope all of you have a fantastic day and please keep me and my family in your prayers... I/we appreciate it!!